By Lance Winslow
Every young man growing up wants to race cars when they reach adulthood and you can just imagine most of them would start sooner if they could. Of course, many male adults and even females now too are getting into racing, as it is the ultimate challenge; Racing! The question is are you up for the challenge? Why do I ask? Well, simple, because this challenge comes with risk, grave risk, as it could kill you.
Still many accept that risk and their mechanic crews indeed, accept that responsibility. Racing is dangerous, but that is why the challenge is the ultimate in human competition. Having done a little racing myself and understanding the risk, the rewards and the thrill, I have come to accept the risk as a test of will. Now some may not understand this, but that is okay, for they are welcome to watch as I seize the day!
A racer always knows that every race can be their last, most have been there and experienced a crash. Some recover, others do not and still some are no longer with us, as they succumb. Vince Lombardi once said that the most competitive events attract the most competitive men, they are in it to battle, but ultimately to win. I have been told that racing is an ego sport, that we are in it for ourselves, and that is all about us. Perhaps they are right, yet I have the need for speed and you won't catch me driving a bus! Something Serious to Contemplate in 2008.
Learn more about the risks: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e4cc53480b
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2010 race,
horse racing 2010,
racing fixtures 2010

By Lincoln Brooks
Hi there folks! Once again I am going to be talking about some cool toys that kids love to play. Today's post is about pirate ships and race cars. Ever wonder why kids are so into playing these two kinds of toys? And more definitely these are boy toys. We all know girls prefer to play Barbie dolls, though times may have changed and girls play more sophisticated toys now. But as for boys it would seem that their interests never change. Say a boy likes to play race cars when they are young, but when they are adults they still love to play with cars and this time we are talking about real cars that can be driven around.
As for pirates, I guess there is this sense of adventure that makes the boys want to sail the seas. The thought of being on a ship is a very novel idea as well. In addition, you get to be one of the bad guys instead of the good guys. Who said pirates are all bad though? Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates and the Caribbean is one example of a good pirate. So being a pirate is not all about being bad. While most boys want cars when they grow up, strangely not many end up being sailors, though I guess if you count those who enlist with the navy they can be termed as seafarers as well.
Now let me go to the gist of my article. I would be recommending two of these such toys, which is the pirate ship and the race car for my readers. So if you have pesky little boys at home and you want them to quieten down and get more engrossed in their own toys, these are the two must have toys for the season.
If you think that your child is into pirates, what about getting the Matchbox Mega Rig Pirates Ship? This cool Matchbox Mega Rig Pirates Ship can actually be disassembled by your child and reconstructed back into different kinds of pirate ships. Then you can also play with the pirate action figures included in the pirate ship set. Best of all, the ship comes with workable cannons and a harpoon so you can blast the enemy to smithereens! Then it also comes with a kraken or giant octopus if you do not know what a kraken is. You just cannot have a pirate adventure without a sea monster.
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pirate flags,
pirate ships,
pirate treasure chest

By Alan Cassidy
Driving a race car is no walk in the park. It can be a challenge especially if this is your first time driving this car. It has more speed, more power, more torque, more everything to get you to the finish line in no time.
Why is there a need to master the craft of driving a race car? With its power, you should have the right amount of control in order to maintain stability. This is to avoid skidding off the tracks and rolling over roadblocks.
For starters, here is a quick guide to get you behind that wheel and off to your first race:
Step 1: Start with the basics. When you are rounding the corner or making a sharp turn, do not hit the brakes. You need to gain as much momentum to make an easier turn. Also, when you hit the brakes while you are making a sharp turn, it can lead an imbalance in the car and while cause it to topple over. Gradually stomp on the accelerator.
Step 2: Keep your hands on the steering wheel with the left hand at a 9 o'clock position and the right hand on a 3 o'clock position. Your back should be flat against the seat. Even when you are making those turns, do not slide your hands. Just keep them glued that way unless you have to shift.
Step 3: Once trick that most pros use is not to slam the brakes on emergency situations. Just apply pressure gradually. Sudden breaking can cause the machine to lock and halt. At the speed you are going, suddenly hitting the brakes can cause the car to skid off the track or to crash into another car.
Step 4: Just keep your position steady for as long as possible. Some experts suggest you use the inside lane. Accelerate quickly but watch your back and sides carefully for competitors you might slam into. This distance is much shorter and can help you catch up if you are lagging behind.
Step 5: Formulate some strategies before going out there. Watch races from the pros and find out which of those strategies can you use when you are driving.
Of course, you will need to exercise utmost safety measures to avoid accidents and disasters. Be alert and stay focused. Keep your eye on the finish line but also keep your competitions in sight.
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how to drive a race car,
how to drive like a race car driver,
learn how to drive a race car

By Alan Cassidy
When financial constraints start pouring in, racing teams need to weigh down their options. One of the options presented is the need to sell previously used race cars to help provide better finances.
When selling this type of car, you will need to do more than highlight its wonderful and awesome qualities. Take the following tips into consideration so you can better sell this type of car:
Tip 1: Scour online for websites, forums and communities that are interesting in car racing. Sign up for a free membership so you can meet people who are interested in buying what you are selling. Websites such as atmotorsport.com allow users to see used cars and allow interested buyers and sellers to meet online.
Tip 2: Take the best pictures of your car. You might also want to take pictures of your car while it is stationary and while it is in action. Since pictures translate a thousand words, be able to take powerful pictures so you can pique the interest of buyers.
Tip 3: This is the best time to use your racing connections. This community is wide and vast so your team can try to contact other teams and see if they are interested in getting another car. By word of mouth, you can find a prospective buyer.
Tip 4: Do not sell your car if you are still under a contract with a sponsor. If your sponsor will require you to use your car for a few more months, you cannot sell it before then unless you use buyout clauses. This will be another issue but it usually takes time. If you are in a hurry to sell the car, contact your sponsor and see if you can strike another better agreement from them.
Tip 5: Highlight the specifications of your car and have an expert certify it. There are a lot of mechanics who can certify the true condition of your car. Make a report and have a soft copy ready just in case a buyer is interested to see the specifications and the conditions of the car.
Tip 6: Highlight the "freebies". You can include extra wheels, spark plugs and other coveted parts of the car with the whole purchase. This is to create an idea in your prospective buyer that you are generous enough to include the whole package and then some. This will serve as the icing on the cake for many buyers.
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legends race car,
race car for sale,
vintage race cars for sale

By Alan Cassidy
Buying a race car will require you to browse over your choices a lot more carefully. Just like what they say, this type of car does not last forever so you want to choose one with a life longer than others.
There are a lot of things to ponder on before buying. First, you have to know which brands of cars dominate the racing scene. You want a car that can get you the bacon. You want a car fast enough to compete and these are the things you should be looking for.
Tip 1: For you to choose better, you can browse over some websites that shows the updates on new cars and the models that are currently out in the market. You can look at websites like AutoRacingTrader.com or the like.
What is great about this is that you can find sellers not just from your country but from dealers and sellers from other countries as well so you have more choices. Choose the ones that will fit well to your racing preferences. Scrutinize the features and the power of the car and find out if it can be easily customized to your needs.
Tip 2: Once you have chosen a car, get your funds ready. It is advisable that you be a part of a racing team so you can take advantage of various loan offers. These can help you make a better and less expensive deal. Your team may also have a few sponsors who can help you out with your funds. You can offer them advertising space instead so you can cut down on your financial expenses.
Tip 3: Test drive the car first before sealing your purchase. Experience the general feel of being on the wheel. You can ask for a demo drive from the dealer and examine the exterior of the car. Check the engine and the suspension system along and also find out if it has been incorporated and installed with many safety features such as a roll cage.
Tip 4: You should also ask for extra parts such as wheels, car wax and other accessories you will surely need. If you are buying your car second hand, ask for the old spark plugs and wheels of the previous owners. They aren't likely to use this if they have a new car already. These few extra things can cut down on your expenses significantly.
Posted in
dirt track race cars for sale,
race car,
race car engines

By Andrew Maclean Lloyd
Are you always searching for some of the best racing car games? You can just be sure that there are millions of websites that host these games online, so you may just not find it hard to try and locate one for yourself. A number of people like playing these games just because of all the fun, thrill and excitement that they deliver and the best part is that there are no speed limits here, so you can always drive as fast as you want to. Speed is definitely one main reason why these games are becoming more popular.
When playing one such game online you can always ensure developing your decision making ability as you have to take some quick decisions when playing these games with your opponents. These certainly may only be few reasons why most people enjoy playing these games online. You can always be sure that playing racing car games online may help in improving the moment of your blood and also the level of adrenaline in your body. There are also a number of people who feel that playing these games certainly helps them so that they think much faster and process things more sharper.
These games are designed such that they may help you get motivated so you can in fact try and establish your goals and at the same time may try to achieve them. So if you constantly win when playing these racing car games then you develop a desire to succeed in your life. There are a number of people who may also apply this principle in their daily life so they can always achieve their goals easily. These are also few reasons why most people like playing these games online such that they easily become addicted to these games. Playing these online games can always make you feel more active and more fresh so you get relaxed both mentally and physically.
Racing car games also motivate us and give us the desire of being very much successful in our life. You just have to keep in mind that this adrenaline rush is very important as our body is always hungry for it. We certainly feel good when playing these games as adrenaline rush makes our body feel good. You have to be sure that you don't over play these games beyond its limits.
Posted in
car games,
driving car games,
race car games

By Victor Epand
When you start your racing career, you may not think a whole lot about the auto parts that are in your race car. You might want to though.
Getting your car race ready is not as simple as starting it up and going down the road. You have to have the right parts and know where you are going to put them on the car. This is the big question though, how you going to race and what are you going to have as your auto parts.
You can get your racing parts from many different places, but the most common one is probably going to be from the Internet. This is because you are able to get many different auto parts from many different places and are able to have them shipped right to you. This can help you because you don't have to go looking for your auto parts and they are right at your door.
You can try to get some of these auto parts from your local auto parts store as well, but these are not normally for racing purposes and you may have to have them ordered anyway. If you are able to order these parts, you could wait a long time and may have to pay more for them. The good thing is that you will not have to worry about the cost of shipping the auto parts to the store and will be able to pick it up there once it arrives.
Once you get the auto parts, you can take some time and get them installed in your car so that it runs good. This might be the thing that helps you to win the race that you are entered in.
Take some time and find the auto parts that you can use for your racing needs. Some of these will be harder to find then others, but you might be glad that you waited to find them like you did. You are the one that will race your car and you want it to be the fastest that it can be, but you want to make sure that you are safe in it too. This is a fine line that most racers flirt with on a daily basis. You will probably do the same and may even cross that line a time or two if you're not careful.
Posted in
classic cars,
race cars,
racing parts

By Frederick Musser
The IRL - Indy Racing League (IndyCar Series), which has been accepted for its technical advancements in automobile racing, is now the motorsport racing leader in renewable alternative fuel produced in America. All of the 2007 field of Indy Race Cars will be fuel by 100% Ethanol.
This is quite an achievement considering there is such a debate about whether or not ethanol is a viable alternative fuel source. Think about this, if ethanol can power a 600+ horsepower racecar to speeds over 200+ mph with efficiency - certainly it can power our everyday old "grocery getter" without problem.
Alcohol powered race cars are not that new to the IRL after all in 1927 at the third Indianapolis 500 a racecar driven by Leon Duray was powered by grain (ethyl) alcohol.
This new switch to 100% ethanol powered Indy Race Cars for 2007 will not only benefit our environment by burning cleaner thus, providing less emissions, studies have shown that it will cost the average Indy Race Team about $65,000 less for the cost of fuel compared with what they were paying for foreign produced methanol. Good for the environment and cost effective - what a concept!
The IRL has been testing the use of 100% ethanol powered racecars for a number of years with great results.
IRL president Brian Barnhart said: . . . "We knew it wasn't going to happen overnight and we wanted to explore what to do to make it happen." "There never has been a consideration of what we'd save. It's been about taking the initiative to introduce a fuel that improves the domestic economy and reduces our reliance on foreign fuel."
Ethanol industry officials are hoping that fueling the IRL IndyCar Series will help spread the word about the benefits of ethanol as an alternative fuel source, not only in high-dollar, high horsepower IRL Indy cars, but also in everyday sedans, truck, minivans and SUVs.
I hope it helps to spread the word as well. America needs to stop our addiction to oil and if an auto racing sanctioning body like the IRL can help spread the word, I say Thank You!
Posted in
ethanol energy,
mouse trap car racer,
race carsrace cars

By Michael Rad
These driving car games will give you the opportunity to break all the limitations of speed and give it maximum gas, and who knows maybe you might be winning an online prize as well.
When joining these race car games, you will be able to choose the car that you will be driving. Some driving car games even give you the chance to build your own car, design a personal automobile and add some parts that you think that might help in a serious competition. You place your car in a 3D space and it is as if you are actually in a real competition. The design of the latest race car games available online is outstanding and they are so well created that they will give you the impression of a real space.
Once you’ve entered a competition, you will be able to show what you are capable of, and speed up, competing with other online users. This is actually the advantage of the online race car games: you do not compete with some virtual competitors. Your competitors are other players, just like you, who have joined the game at about the same time you have. If you succeed in having the lowest time in these driving car games, you will enter your user name in the book of records. You can check out the best times of a particular game by looking at the top scores.
In case you are new to a game, you will have to train for a while in order to star being good at these race car games. But after a while, you can become the king of the road. If you want race car games, but you would like also a little adventure, you can look for strategy driving car games. These games will contain some tasks, some of them are easy, some of them are more difficult, and you will have to accomplish them in order to be able to finish the race.
So, if you want to have some fun, go online, find some entertaining race car games that you like, join the competition and give it some gas.
Posted in
car games,
car race,
race car games

By Andrew Maclean Lloyd
There are a number of people who literally have a problem with driving. Every one may just not be perfect. Most of us do have flaws and so what can be better way of rectifying it than by enjoying you racing car games over the internet. You can always ensure that playing car games may in fact help you to improve your driving standards. You can also experience all the fun and thrill of this sport, especially when playing it online.
There are many people who find these games boring, but you can always be sure that it certainly is one of the most exciting and thrilling sports over the internet. When playing these games you can always get lots to learn and at the same time you can also improve your alertness and driving skills. You always have to be sure that every time you play these games you play with all your winning spirit. To play and win these games you certainly need to use all the talent, determination and skills that you have.
As these racing car games are getting more popular, so there are a number of developers who are working round the clock to make these games more exciting and thrilling. You can in fact use the skills and excitement of there racing car games so that you can always improve your skills with driving. Try to get your hands on game pads which are provided with pedals and steering wheels so that you can use it is clutch and accelerator. Some of the best tamer versions may also help you develop best parking skills.
There are also a number of simulation car racing games that may just provide you with best real time driving experience. Most of the games are also provided with complete information on general traffic rules, weather conditions and road conditions which may in fact help you such that you get a better understanding of driving under different conditions. So, in case you are new on the road then you can always get started by playing some of the most simple games online which may always let you enjoy the game on a single track with practice mode.
People just love playing Try playing Try playing online car games as they can always reduce the level of their stress and at the same time may also get their adrenaline tickling. Mastering these games certainly may never be an easy task, but you can always develop some of your best strategies to make your big win both online and on-road.
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drivers download,
scanner drivers,
sound drivers